A recent collaboration between Tualatin SWCD and community members living along Hall Creek has resulted in approximately seven acres of improved, connected habitat that will benefit wildlife, water quality, and people.
News & Stories
Interns on the Range at Oregon Conservation Academy
This Conservation Academy is about two things: giving Pathways Interns hands-on experience with various natural resource inventory techniques, and assisting Gilliam SWCD with a very big conservation project. Also, sweat, sore feet, and sunburns.
Celebrating Oregon White Oak
As part of a regional effort among conservation groups, Tualatin SWCD is working to protect and restore Oregon white oak ecosystems. Since most of the oak habitat that’s left in Washington County is on private lands, participation by residents is critical to this conservation initiative.
Cover Cropping in Hazelnut Orchards
Most hazelnut orchards maintain bare grounds to reduce competition between vegetation and the trees. However, this causes soil erosion which reduces soil productivity and pollutes waterways. Cover crops can prevent this issue. What are cover crops? Cover crops are temporary vegetation that can be planted in between growing seasons. Some growers choose to plant permanent […]
Birds Eye View
Typically, NRCS staff ensure HEL compliance annually on randomly selected farms by walking through crop fields and inspecting the land. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) save staff time & tax dollars to achieve conservation compliance.
Oregon Department of Forestry awards $5 million in grants to landowners for wildfire resiliency
Communities throughout Oregon will receive $5 million in funding so that they can work toward protecting themselves from wildfire, the Oregon Department of Forestry announced Monday.